Saturday, December 5, 2009

UPdate and references

Jon Worked on VEdit Today and added some stuff to it. BTW, some references to IO_EDIT:: and IO_VEDIT::


val = io_edit(_str, _owner ? _owner->getTop() + _row + 2 : _row + 1,
_owner ? _owner->getLeft()+ _col + 2 : _col + 1, _fieldlen, _maxdatalen, _insertmode, &_offset, &_curpos,0);
val = io_edit(_str, _owner ? _owner->getTop() + _row : _row,
_owner ? _owner->getLeft() + _col : _col, _fieldlen, _maxdatalen, _insertmode, &_offset, &_curpos,0);
return val;

from what I've seen of _Validate
canton: I commited my changes to io_vedit(), so take a look
ok thanks
it points to a validator function
and that function can be anything as long as it takes a void pointer and a IO_Form reference
thanks northWind
then that function returns a boolean representing whether the data pointed to by the void* was found to be "valid" or not
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the implementation of this function is left upto whatever class is using IO_Vedit so what it actually is should be of no concern
thats how our IO_Vedit works anyway, if its wrong, somebody please let me know :)
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=-= Arlene_Daniel is now known as adaniel3
thanks that was very clear
canton: I implemented it like that in the code, but I'm not 100% about the 1ist argument for _Validate
canton: any time, sorry for interrupting like that but I figured I could save you a little time
northWind_Tel: you did, thanx

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